This is a bit of a different video than normal for me. It's not a traditional unboxing and mixes the purchase of the "Kandy N Chrome" Redcat SIxtyFour with the first run of it. I stopped by my local Hobbytown in Virginia Beach to say goodbye to the staff and thank them for the great shopping experience they create for us shoppers. I will definitely miss shopping there. While I was there, Joshua Williams started showing me one of the 2 Redcat SixtyFours they had just received and convinced me to buy it. He's been doing that to me since the day I met him.
I've talked about Josh many times and credit him with getting me started in the hobby. He sold me my first Grave Digger RC and continued to push the latest and greatest to me as they were released. He's been really good at pushing me to learn how to work on the RCs as well. I wanted to pay him to do the work, but he convince me I could do it and continues to show me new tips and tricks.
So...yes...I did go in to get tires and say goodbye, but he got me to leave with the awesome Redcat SixtyFour. This car is impressive from the packaging, down to the details the put int it. I'll have more videos on it, but decided to add it to the video where Josh convinced me to buy it.
If you've got a local hobby shop like I do, I encourage you to shop there. If you do not have a local shop, using my affiliate links does help the channel a little:
🔥 Get a Redcat SixtyFour at Amain