EXTENDED DEADLINE: Final videos must be posted to Instagram or YouTube by Sunday, March 27 11:59pm PDT (yes, Daylight Savings Time).

Who wants to try something a bit different? You do? Cool. The plan is to have a competition to see who can take an Element RC Enduro24 and make it into the fastest drag truck within a 90' x 12' area. You must film the entirety of your run by first verifying the speedometer is zeroed out before driving, then show the run, and end by showing the speed achieved all in one continuous clip. Your run must start and stop within the 90' distance and not veer outside the 12' width of the lane. Cones, tape, or other items can be used to show the width and length of the area. There is a bit of an honor system for the measurements, but you should have them visibly marked.
The goal is to have fun, but friendly competition can be fun too, right? So there are some rules to keep us from going to crazy with this build off.
Start off with an Element RC Enduro24
Must use at least 2 stock Enduro 24 rails. They can be cut or added onto. Must still be functional.
Must use the rear axle. You can modify it to have different link mounts, or other mods.
No more than 2 axles
12” max wheelbase
6” max width
40a ESC Max
Limited to one motor.
Transmission can be changed or removed and use direct drive
Max 3s lipo
1” max wheels
2.5” max tire height
Dualies are allowed
Track boundaries are 90ft x 12 ft. Surface must be flat. No hills.
No Throwing the vehicles for speed. :)
Cannot have any other added propulsion (rockets, fans, etc).
Must have a body that covers at least 50% of the chassis
Must use a SkyRC GNSS, SkyRC Speed Meter, Dynamite Speed Meter, or something similar to measure and show your speed.
Hastags to use on Instagram during your build:
Use the hastag #tinygappinit #enduro24
Tag @RC_Amigos and @CCxRC so we can see the progress of your builds
How to enter your submission
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Final videos must be posted to Instagram or YouTube by Sunday, March 27 11:59pm PDT (yes, Daylight Savings Time). That will give us Monday, March 28 to go through them and find the top speeds.
Videos are submitted to us by sending a link through the contact page on this site.
Please tell us the top speed you reached in your message to us on the contact page. This will help us find the top speeds and allows us to verify that rules were met.
Top speed from view contestants will win a Reefs 99micro servo.
Pablo and I reserve the right to make judgement calls on any entry that we feel may not be within the rules.
Get started, pick up an Enduro24:
If you want to join the competition, you can buy an Element RC Enduro24 to start the build: Click here